Supporting an Automotive Manufacturer in Launching a New Business in Southeast Asia


We would like to request support for the launch of a new business in the Mekong region utilizing our own assets, starting from initial consulting to service development, local operations, and manual creation.

Our Support

We began by participating in the client’s business concept and information organization. We then worked on the client’s project structure, utilization of existing resources and data, and local competition research, while providing support for business plan creation, service website creation, operation construction, on-site personnel allocation planning, manual creation, and more. We also provided comprehensive support for business start-up, including business plan creation, service website creation, operation construction, on-site staffing planning, manual creation, and more.

STEP Initial Phase
  • Brush up business concept and identify risks
  • Business planning support
  • Survey of local competitors’ services
  • Store staffing plan
  • Establishment of store operations
  • Creation of manuals for store operations staff
  • Service site construction
  • Service logo design
  • Establishment of service site operation system
  • Service site manual creation
  • Support for setting up an inquiry call center
  • Support for creation of manuals for call center operators
  • Legal check of services (in cooperation with local attorneys)
STEP Mid-term Phase
  • Operational test for the service site
  • Service site maintenance and operation
  • Operational test for in-store service tasks
  • Operational test for the call center
  • Onboarding of local maintenance staff
STEP Final Phase
  • Service site maintenance and operation
  • Standardization of all manuals and handover tasks


Achieved Results
  • Early development and launch of service website
  • Establishment of store operation system
  • Establishment of call center for inquiries
  • Creation of all operational manuals

Comment from the person in charge

In this case, our client utilized existing assets that have already been deployed locally to rapidly advance a new business that is distinctly differentiated from local competitive services as a global brand. We supported the launch of the business in a one-team structure with the client’s team.

By combining the existing client team with our knowledge of Southeast Asian countries, we were able to understand the characteristics of local talent and business practices while building effective services and operations. As a result, we achieved significant reductions in labor hours and shortened schedules.

Normally, we would have preferred to visit the site and communicate directly with the responsible personnel to proceed, but due to travel restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic, all communications had to be conducted online. In such a situation, close communication with the client and managing project progress as one team become particularly important, directly affecting the outcomes. The key to leading the project to success was the ability to promote the project with a sense of ownership to achieve results.

This time, we provided spot support for the launch of a new business for a company that is already expanding overseas. However, our company offers a wide range of support, from comprehensive assistance to spot support for the initial stages of establishment.


