Training for Foreign Employees and Bridge Engineers | For a Software Development Company

Conducted training for 30 employees at a software development company in the Philippines on Japanese business practices, high-context communication, decision-making, communication flow with bridge engineers, roles and responsibilities, schedule management, quality, and more. Simultaneously provided training to the bridge engineering team on the Japan side.

Our Support

  • Conducted interviews on the issues (conducted in both Japan and the Philippines)
  • Identification and analysis of issues
  • Creation and implementation of a full-day training program
  • Traveled to the site and conducted the training in English
  • Conducted a post-training survey to evaluate the effectiveness of the training
  • Analysis of the survey results and reporting

Issues due to differences in culture and business customs is the biggest obstacle for Japanese companies when expanding overseas, and since this is an issue that is bound to occur, the key to business expansion is how to take countermeasures as early as possible.


The local employees gained a deeper understanding of the communication errors that had been a source of frustration and stress. We received very positive feedback from all 30 local employees, as well as requests for regular sessions to be held.
After the training, communication errors with the Japanese side decreased, and we received requests to continue the program with new contents.

Comment from the person in charge

We have seen many companies have communication errors when expanding overseas, and we believe that cultural differences are a normal part of business, and that it is necessary for both parties to come to a compromise. We believe that the most effective training is to involve stakeholders from both the Japanese and overseas sides, and that the quickest improvement of these communication errors will lead to business expansion.
